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Dojo.unity is the official Unity SDK for interacting with Dojo worlds to develop web and desktop 2D and 3D games.


Before getting started, you must follow a few steps to get the project up and running:

Install dependencies

Required version >= 0.4.0

Required version >= 2022.3.15f1

Setting up Dojo.unity sdk

To get started with the Dojo.Unity SDK, follow these steps:

  • Download the dojo.unity package: Visit the dojo.unity releases page and download the latest version of the dojo.unitypackage.
  • Open or Create a Unity Project: Launch Unity and either create a new project or open an existing one where you intend to integrate Dojo.unity
  • Import the Dojo.unity Package: Navigate to Assets/Import Package/Custom Package within your Unity project. Choose the downloaded dojo.unitypackage file. unitypackage01 Finally, ensure to check only the aimed platforms for your project. unitypackage02

Warning: If your project includes the Plugins/iOS directory, note that it requires Git Large File Storage (LFS) to be uploaded. Refer to GitHub's documentation on Git LFS for more information.

  • Import Newtonsoft's Json.NET Dependency: In Unity, navigate to Window/Package Manager. unitypackage01 Once the Package Manager window opens, select Add package from git URL unitypackage02 Enter com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json as the package URL, click Add and then Done to import the dependency.