Dojo; Simplifying Onchain Game Development
Building games is hard enough, but building games onchain is even harder. Dojo simplifies the process of building onchain games by providing a suite of tools that streamline the process of building onchain games, allowing developers to focus on gameplay logic and drastically reducing time-to-game.
Cairo State and Contract Framework
- Dojo extends Cairo's base functionality and adds helpful inline
- Simplifies interoperability with the dojo Models
- Standardized approach to building games on cairo smart contracts
- Simplifies development process allowing you to focus on logic and not architecture
The following is an example of a dojo function and contains the macros get!
and set!
which are used to read and write to the world state.
fn spawn(self: @ContractState) {
// Access the world dispatcher for reading.
let world =;
// Get the address of the current caller, possibly the player's address.
let player = get_caller_address();
// Retrieve the player's current position from the world.
let position = get!(world, player, (Position));
// Retrieve the player's move data, e.g., how many moves they have left.
let moves = get!(world, player, (Moves));
// Update the world state with the new data.
// 1. Set players moves to 10
// 2. Move the player's position 100 units in both the x and y direction.
Moves { player, remaining: 100, last_direction: Direction::None },
Position { player, vec: Vec2 { x: 10, y: 10 } },
Katana - Fast Development Network
- Customizable Starknet development network
- Allows swift iteration on game logic
- Easily deploy Katanas to providers like Slot by Cartridge, providing you with a custom network for your team
Spin up a local development network like:
Torii - Starknet Indexer
- Auto-indexes all contract states
- Exposes states via GraphQL API or gRPC automatically!
- Not more building custom indexers!
Spin up and indexer for your world like:
torii --world 0x42069
Sozo CLI - Management Tool
- Assists in managing large contracts (worlds)
- Enables creation, building, testing, and deployment of worlds
- Supports crafting new components and systems
Compile and deploy your world!
sozo --release build
What dojo is not
Dojo does not provide visual graphics, but integrates with engines like Unreal, Godot, or Unity. However, dojo SDKs exist to integrate with these visual engines.